5 Tips of the Day - 20 October 2012
1) 3 Tips for Creating an Effective Work Team
Have you ever worked in a group or team? How did the team function? What was the demographic makeup of the team, and how did you all get along?
Creating an effective work team is by no means a simple task, and can involve getting the right group of people together, setting appropriate goals, using the right leadership style, and more. Although not a complete solution, the following tips might help spark some ideas on creating your own effective work team.
One of the most important necessities of any small business is to find their footing in a competitive market and this is why marketing, advertising and spreading the word with a moderate budget is extremely necessary. Here are 2 cost effective ways to implement the same:
They are an executive’s worst social business nightmares.
You launch an online community for customers, partners, or employees, then two things happen.
1) Nobody contributes to the community.
2) New members join the community, are not engaged, and then never return.
These two scenarios create a spiral of fear that prevents many organizations from launching their social business strategy, even though all indications point to customer communities playing a central role in the future of customer relationship management.
Size Doesn’t Matter: There is no standard issue for the length of an article, duration of a video or number of pages in a white paper. Great content can run to many thousands of words or just a couple of sentences. Just make sure it’s relevant, interesting and timely – and you won’t go far wrong.
If your business is healthy enough for you to be thinking about international expansion, kudos! The prospect of doing business beyond U.S. borders is an exciting one for any entrepreneur--how often do you get to enter a whole new market with a huge, untapped pool of customers and revenue?
But it's not just about changing the language on your website and accepting payments in a foreign currency. It's about a whole different mindset for the way you do business. You need to go through every aspect of your company with a fine-tooth comb (ideally with an attorney and financial adviser on hand) to make sure everything is set up to successfully handle doing business in a foreign country.
Tags: Tip of the Day